Where are you located?

If it’s your first time visiting, finding our location can be a bit tricky. Here’s a helpful guide: We’re situated on the second floor of the Market Pavilion Building (above Pasta Lupino). You can access us via either set of stairs. Once inside, head left and walk straight to the end of the hallway. We’re nearest to Tandoori Grill.

Where should I park?

There is pay parking on main street just outside our clinic or at the fresh street market parking lot just behind us. You can also park in day lots 4/5 which are only about a 5 minute walk away.

How do I prepare for treatments?

To feel your best during and after your visit: hydrate well, avoid stimulants, and eat a light meal or snack within the hour before you arrive. If this is your first time, please fill out your intake forms at least 24 hours before your appointment so they can be reviewed before you arrive.

What should I wear to my appointment?

Please wear or bring comfortable and movement appropriate clothing that can easily be rolled up past elbows and knees. Athletic shorts and a tank top are ideal.

How long is a session?

Most acupuncture sessions will take anywhere from 30-40 minutes, this allows time for a reassessment, acupuncture and some targeted manual therapy. Extended sessions last 50-60 minutes and include double the 1:1 time for additional hands on treatment time. The time varies due to the time we leave your points in place which can vary from 10-25 minutes depending on our goals.

What should I do after my treatments?

You can go back to your day as usual. It’s a good idea to take it a little easier if you are working out or doing any activities the same day. Try to space your visits with other practitioners at least 2-3 days so you can give your body time to recover and track your progress between visits.

Does acupuncture hurt?

You may feel a bit of a pinch when the needles are tapped in, but this should ease right away and if not we can easily adjust to make any uncomfortable sensations go away. A slight ache or heavy feeling near the needle is usually a good sign – a clue that the body is reacting in a productive way. The bottom line is that as long as the sensation doesn’t keep you from closing your eyes and resting, we say let them be.

What else can acupuncture help with?

Acupuncture provides natural relief for a range of conditions, including chronic pain, stress, anxiety, hormonal imbalances, migraines, insomnia, digestive disorders, and musculoskeletal issues. It's particularly beneficial for athletes seeking performance enhancement or injury recovery and is suitable for individuals of all ages looking for holistic health solutions.

Can I get acupuncture if I don’t have any symptoms?

YES! Even if you're feeling fine, regular sessions help keep everything running smoothly, like improving digestion, sleep, and stress levels. It's all about staying in top shape and avoiding problems down the road.

How does acupuncture work?

Acupuncture works on a relaxation response causing a release of feel-good, pain-relieving endorphins and other biochemicals that promote relaxation, recovery and optimal function at a cellular level.

Do I have to believe in acupuncture for it to work?

Absolutely not. You only have to believe enough to show up a few times in order to give yourself the chance to see positive changes.

Is it safe to get acupuncture while you are pregnant?

Acupuncture is a safe, natural and effective treatment modality to support women during pregnancy with conditions like morning sickness, fatigue, body aches, etc. Acupuncture can also help in preparation for labor and delivery as well as during the postpartum phase.

How many treatments will I need?

Much like working out or eating well, Acupuncture treatments have a cumulative effect, with each treatment building on the last. We expect to see results within 3 visits and a course of treatment is generally 3-12 visits. It’s important to note that most clinical studies consider 12 visits to be a general course of treatment.

Do I have to keep getting acupuncture to keep feeling this good?

Likely not, but this also depends on the reason(s) you're getting treated in the first place. For short-term issues, a handful of acupuncture treatments should do the job. For chronic or long-standing issues, a maintenance schedule of some sort would be in order to keep systems running smoothly and steadily after the initial period of relief and change.

What is your cancellation policy?

We get it—things come up, and sometimes appointments need to be canceled. However, to ensure fairness to our team and other patients, we kindly request that you provide at least 24 hours notice if you need to cancel. If notice isn’t given, there will be a charge equal to the service amount.

Do you bill insurance?

We direct bill many insurers providers including ICBC, Pacific Blue Cross, Medavie Blue Cross, Canada Life, Chambers Of Commerce, Equitable Life, Group Health, Manulife, RWAM, Sunlife, and more. If you don’t see your insurer in our list you can check with us and if we don’t work with your company you will be billed and issued a receipt for reimbursement.

Why do you need my credit card information before booking my first vist?

This allows us to charge your card after your appointment if there is an amount owing after billing insurance or if you pay us directly. It is also required in the event that you missed appointment without 24 hours notice as your will be charged your full fee as stated in our cancellation policy.

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